Friday, September 28, 2012


I have come into a season of my life where it is becoming necessary to prune some blossoms from the tree of my life and artistry.  I don't think anything is harder than taking a thing of beauty that is slightly past its prime in order to make room for more beautiful things.  I want to hold on the beautiful thing it was, rather than come to terms with the fact that it is no longer life-giving and, in fact, is holding back the new growth that is waiting to burst forth.

According to, pruning redirects growth in the plant.  "Ah!" I thought.  "How appropriate!  I am definitely feeling a turn of direction due to the pruning I am currently undertaking."

My fear is that I am pruning too much, that all that will end up growing is weeds or other things that will choke my growth... I am fearful that I am cutting out profitable (but well past-their-prime) endeavors in order to pursue things that are not immediately going to make me money (but are much more fulfilling spiritually).

Strangely enough, I am feeling very calm and even excited despite these fears.  I think my soul knows that it has been time to let go for a long while now.  She seems glad that I am moving on.

So here's to pruning and becoming even more of a self-nurturing artist.


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