Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Triumph and Grief

It wouldn't be a real blog, or at least a real chronicle of my life if I didn't share the heartbreak as well as the triumphs.  So here goes.

I auditioned for a show the other day, and I got a callback!  It was awesome.  Then yesterday, I completely fell apart at the callback (I'm exaggerating- but I sang too operatically, I didn't connect to the character I was playing, etc.).  Needless to say, I didn't get the part (not even an understudy).  I'm not sure yet what this experience has taught me.  I kind of want to just give up on acting altogether.  And that may not be a bad thing, for now.

Maybe part of being a self-nurturing artist is knowing when to cut your losses and go home.  Maybe I'm giving up too easily.  l don't really know where to go from here.  I gave so much of myself for that audition, and I feel so empty now.  It's the same way I feel after I play a show and no one tells me I did a good job, except with shows I've received enough positive feedback and I am confident enough in myself that I just go out and book another show (although that's not entirely true- Boston was a real setback for me, and I haven't booked any shows since because of my experiences there- even though I got some positive feedback).

My boyfriend tells me I should do my own thing.  But isn't that too easy?  Isn't that taking the easy way out? If I do something that comes easily and naturally, I feel like I'm cheating.  And besides, I'm so afraid of being labeled a singer-songwriter.  It makes me feel as though I'm a jack of all trades and master of none.

I want so much to be great at SOMETHING.  Something I value.  Today I feel as though I'm not great at anything, I'm just mediocre and probably less than that.  So what do I do now?  What is the most self-nurturing thing to do?

Well, I played piano and wrote a little song... that was nice.  I have been presented with the opportunity to take piano lessons with a friend who is currently studying Chopin and Rachmaninoff.  Maybe that's where I should go next.  I think I still want to act, eventually, but I don't have any idea how I can do it without the trials of auditioning.  And right now, I don't know how to process a bad audition.  I guess I'll leave it alone for now.

I actually feel a little better now.  Still very much daunted, but at least I'm trying my best to take care of my unbelievably sensitive artist's soul.


  1. This was your first time auditioning in a long, long time. I remember Jackie auditioning over and over again and never getting the role. You have to have the stomach and the courage to go back again. Suck it up to "the first in a long while" and I'll know better next time. You're very talented or they wouldn't have called you back in the first place. They were probably just as surprised as you were at the call-back. Just jump back in with both feet. You'll land on them.
    I love you! Cindy

  2. I'm sorry that happened. On the other hand, you haven't auditioned in a long time, and it definitely takes a "thick skin" to do so continually. Give yourself a chance to re-group and remember that you are extremely talented. Do what you enjoy, no matter where it takes you! You are always free to change directions. Love you!

  3. Thanks to both of you!!! :-) I love you both more than you can imagine. <3
