Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Emotions and How to Deal with Them

So, like I said, I had my first acting class yesterday.  Actually, it was just an audit, but I got to see some really incredible acting.

The thing I had not counted on, however, was the intensity of the scenes.  Somehow somewhere along the line I forgot that acting involves work with difficult situations and emotions.  Being an HSP (highly sensitive person), these scenes really bothered me and I ended up with a terrible headache that has lasted well into this evening.   So what should I do?  Not go to acting classes?  Not use the gifts I have?

Um... no.  The headache is caused not by the emotions themselves, but my unwillingness to acknowledge them.  I have very big emotions, and I've found that in life it has been better for me to hide them and bury them.  Ha- go figure that I would want to go into acting, where it's all about finding those hidden emotions and using them!  

I am in the process of dealing with this headache by crying and screaming and FEELING.  Feeling, for the first time in many years, with the full intensity God intended when I was designed.

It hurts.  It freaking hurts.  Right now it's just a blob of stuff inside of me- I can't name any of it- it's like a black and grey force inside of me that just FEELS.  

Weird, huh?

So, for today- self-nurturing artists must let themselves feel all the things they want to forget.

(by the way- I finished the song I mentioned yesterday and I am proud of it!)

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